‘Why Choose Us’

Because We Are Proactive

Strong Partner and Effective Booker.

At Artim Media, we combine the world of the arts with the unconventional and create experiences that go beyond the ordinary. Our agency specialises in providing artists who bring that little bit extra to the table. Whether DJs who make hearts beat faster with a violin, techno sounds from a Styrian harmonica or fascinating holo shows accompanied by electrifying DJ sets – our artists are anything but ordinary.
At Artim Media, “simple” is not good enough. We always strive to push boundaries and create something new. Our artists are hand-picked and bring not only their skills but also a unique creativity that makes every event a spectacular experience.


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Our Artists

DJ:ane & Musikerin

Con Tacto

DJ & Producer

Ralf Matten

DJ, Producer & Holo-Artist